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Alumni Prayer & School Hym
History of the Association
First Management Committee
Past Presidents
Office Bearers
Committee Members
Our Benefactor
Capt John Doveton
This photograph of the late Captain John Doveton is displayed in the Doveton Boys’ School Auditorium
Alumin Prayer & School Hym

The Beginning

John Doveton was born in Vepery, Madras (now Chennai) and was baptised at the Vepery Church (The present St Matthias’ Church) at Madras on 29th July 1801. Incidentally, Vepery is among the oldest neighbourhoods developed during the British settlement in the city of Madras.

John Doveton was educated at the Egmore School, the old name of the Military Male Orphan Asylum, established in 1789 in the old Egmore Redoubt by Rev Andrew Bell. Rev Andrew Bell was responsible for formulating the ‘Monitorial System of Education’. The Military Male Orphan Asylum later became the Civil Orphan Asylum, which is now known as St George’s School, Poonamallee High Road, Madras.

John Doveton’s uncle (Lt Gen John Doveton) evinced a keen interest in his early training and education. Seeing promise in the lad, he bought him a commission as a Lieutenant on 1st Jan 1817 in the Berar Brigade of the Nizam of Hyderabad’s Army. He was later promoted to the rank of Captain in 1827. As a Captain, he was the Commandant of the 7th Infantry. In today’s context, it would mean a battalion of about 800 troops commanded by an officer of the rank of Colonel.

While in service, he amassed a fair amount of wealth. The Captain resigned from the Nizam’s service on 6th July 1843 and led a retired life in Madras before migrating to the United Kingdom. Doveton’s frugal habits allowed him to save money in the Nizam’s Service. This was augmented by a subsequent legacy left to him by Lt Gen John Doveton. 

Mr Peter Carstairs, a Eurasian gentleman of exemplary character, and a friend of John Doveton induced him (as his business manager) to divide his fortune between Madras and Calcutta (now known as Kolkata) for the support of Eurasian education. This advice was followed, and Capt John Doveton appointed as his executors, Mr Peter Carstairs of Madras and Mr Wale Byrne of Calcutta. Incidentally, both Peter Carstairs and Wale Byrne were friends of Capt John Doveton.

Though Capt John Doveton left India, his love for the country did not wane. He fulfilled his life’s goal by leaving a substantial amount of money (£ 50,000) for equal distribution, to establish two schools in his name, both at Calcutta and Madras. It is presumed that the Capt spent a considerable period of his life at North East India (Calcutta) and hence wanted a school at Calcutta. The reason for the school at Madras was because of his birth at Vepery and stay at the orphanage at Egmore during his childhood.

In his Last Will & Testament he stated (relevant extracts only):

and the remaining amount or other one half of my estate I in this manner give and bequeath to any institution that shall be established at Madras on the Coast of Coramandal in the East Indies, having a similar design and object in view as the Calcutta Academic Institution for affording educational advantages to youths at Madras provided that such Institution shall be established at Madras within twenty four months of the time of my death and that the Executors of this my last Will & Testament shall be satisfied that the object, design, rules and plan of operation of the said Institution shall be in perfect agreement and conform generally with the rules and regulations of the said Parental Academic Institution at Calcutta.And I do hereby appoint the said Wale Byrne and Peter Carstairs Esquires, Executors of this my last Will and Testament revoking all Wills Corpus’ and other testamentary dispositions by me at any time or suits made.

Capt John Doveton died at the age of about 53 on 15th October 1853 at No. 4, Bloomfield Road, Saint Tolos Wood, Middlesex, United Kingdom. He was buried at Kensal Green Cemetery, Harrow Road, London on 21st October 1853. His grave, though dilapidated, still exists in this cemetery.

History of the Association

Late 1940s

The Genesis

In the late 1940s, a few Dovetonians informally met together as a group. Among them were Freddy Arul, Jerry Fewkes, Joseph Ignatius, Reggie Martin, Nicholas Michael and Leslie Vigor. This led to the formation of an adhoc Association with no official recognition from either the School or the Registrar of Societies. The President was Jerry Fewkes. A few years later, it closed down


The Genesis Contd....

In the late 1950s (possibly 1957), the Old Boys Association (OBA) was started by Desmond B Shaw, when he was the Principal of the School. Incidentally, he was an alumnus of the school. After Shaw's time, the Association presumably functioned on a low key. A Girls Guild too existed. The OBA functioned under the patronage of the School.

14th - 15th August

Activities in the Past

On 14th August, a ladies’ net-ball match, and a boys’ hockey match were played between the past and present students. On 15th August (Independence Day), the past students attended a flag hoisting ceremony. The national anthem was followed by a ‘Thanksgiving Service’, refreshments and the Annual General Body Meeting The ladies moved on to the throw ball court, and the gentlemen played a limited-overs’ Past vs Present cricket match. The forenoon celebrations concluded with lunch. As the country had attained Independence just a few years earlier, the national spirit was much more pronounced then.

In the evening, the OBA Social was held, attended by the past students, their guests and the present students from classes X and XI. The present boys were required to wear a white shirt, white trousers and the school tie. The present girls wore ‘civvies’. Why this special privilege was accorded to the girls is not known. The past gentlemen were required to wear neckties. Refreshments were available on cash payment. There was dancing, singing, and party games. During the course of the social, prizes for the field games were presented. On the whole, there was a general feeling of fun and camaraderie.

25th & 26th Junuary

Activities in the Past Contd....

Another event that was held was the Past vs. Present relay race at the Annual Sports Day, which the Past seemed to invariably win, every time. The date of the Annual Day was later shifted to 25th & 26th January, possibly due to the change-over of the academic year from January-December to June-April.

22 April 1991

Registration of the Association

At the Annual General Meeting held on 26th Jan 1988, a proposal to register the Association was mooted. The final papers for registration were submitted on 13th April 1991. The signatories were Mr S. F. Christian, Mrs S. Unnikrishnan, Mrs J. D’Pal, Mr F. Francis, Mrs C. Ignatius, Dr (Mrs) S. Rajalakshmi, Mr R. Vanderputt, and Mr N. B. Robson as the witness.

The Association was registered on 22nd April 1991 at Madras (now Chennai), under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975 and Rules, 1978 at the Registrar of Societies (Central).

10 June 2005

150th Anniversary Celebrations of the School

This event was celebrated on 10th June 2005 at Hotel Connemara on Binny Road in the city of Chennai.

The evening opened with a slide show presentation outlining the various activities of the School.

17 Nov 2012

Logo of the Association

At the Extraordinary General Meeting of 17th Nov 2012, it was unanimously decided to adopt the School badge with some modifications

10 January 2015

160th Anniversary Celebrations of the School

On 10 January 2015, Dovetonians assembled at the SACCE Hall, St Andrew's Church (The Kirk), Egmore in the city of Chennai, for a Thanksgiving Service. More than 100 members and spouses attended. The Service was followed by a sumptuous breakfast sponsored by the North American Chapter (Canada). Thereafter, an 'Open House Meeting' was conducted where members expressed their views and shared their school memories in an informal atmosphere.

The first Management Committee at the time of registration was:-

Mr S.F.Christian - President
Mrs S.Unnikrishnan - Vice President
Mrs J.D'Pal - Secretary
Mr F.Francis - Treasurer
Mrs C.Ignatius - Member
Dr(Mrs) S. Rajalakshmi - Member
Mr R.Vanderputt - Member
Mr Sukhi Bahety - Member
Mr R.M.Favill - Member
Mr M.Parthasarathy - Member
Mr K.D.Thoman - Member
Miss A.D'Monte - Member
Mrs D.Vanderputt - Member
Mr H.Moses - Member
Mrs M.E.Felix-Ex-Officio Member (HeadMistress-Girls School)
Mr J.Christadoss-Ex-Officio-Member (HeadMistress-Boys School)

Past Presidents of the Association:-

Desmond B Shaw - Late (1958)
Sqn Ldr R T Herbert Roberts - Retd (1960-62)
Joyce D'Pal (Period not known)
Noel Williams (1988-1990)
Doss Asirvatham (period not known)
Robert Vanderputt (period not known)
S F Christain (1990-1992)
Eric Michael - Late (period not known)
J Ignatius (1996-1998)
Syed A Ispahani (1998-2000)
T R Kannan - Late (2000-2002)
Nithila Masilamani (2002-06)
Syed A Ispahani (2006-10)
T V Satakopan (2010-12)
Col Jaipal Isaacs (2012-2016)
Susan Koshy (2016-18)
V Bhat (2018-22)
Ramesh Raghavan (2022-24)
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Dear Dovetonians,
At the outset, I thank the members of our association for electing me unanimously. I am proud to be the 17th President of the association. I consider this a great honour bestowed upon me. I’m definitely conscious of the responsibility that has been thrust upon my shoulders. Let me assure you that I accept this with humility.
I am ably supported by the new office bearers and committee members with a mix of experienced and freshers. We would very much focus to foster camaraderie with a purpose.
I extend a warm welcome to all the members to our fold and request them earnestly to motivate their classmates and friends of Doveton to be a part of this inspiring nostalgia.
I should definitely appreciate all the good work done by my predecessors and their team in keeping up the traditions of the association.
This Management Committee (MC) was elected in the AGM concluded on September 24, 2022. The MC meets every month to discuss and plan the activities of the association. We shall be continuing to conduct the Get-togethers by way of a Re-union in January 2024, the Association Day in April and the AGM which would be in September 2024.
We file the statutory forms with the Registrar of Societies and also file our Returns regularly.
Our ongoing activities include the Scholarships for disadvantageous students passing out of the school and willing to pursue higher studies. This is one of the satisfying pursuits of our association with generous donors and philanthropists supporting us, we are able to continue the good work. I urge the kind hearted to support this cause and motivate us to do more.
Dear members, I request all of you to take active participation in all the programmes of the association and also share your thoughts in the feedback section or at my designated mail – dovetonpast.president@gmail.com.
Happy to travel in this journey with you,
With kind regards,
Vishwanath Bhat


The Management Committee of DCPSA is elected once in two years at the Annual General Meeting,
usually held in the end of August.
The Management Committee Members are constantly working towards a vibrant and positively significant Association. They operate as a transparent body to help the Association progress.
They look forward to hearing from the members, whose support is essential to make the Association an energetic and pulsating body where memories are relived and camaraderie prevails.
The current Management Committee holds office from December 2020 has the following members:


Vishwanath Bhat


Allan Coyne


Donata Mary


Osborne Daniel





Jessie Osman

Ravi Joseph

Gerard Pereira

N. Induchooden

Anna M D’Souza

Sheila Chellappa
